
  • Mazerolle, M., Rotolo, L., &  Maquestiaux, F. (in press). Overcoming age differences on memory retrieval by reducing stereotype threat. Memory & Cognition. PDF 
  • Dorgnier, R., Picard, L., & Mazerolle, M. (2022). Aging and memory distortions: the impact of aging stereotypes. Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 20 (3), 341-348. PDF
  • Mazerolle, M., Smith, A. M., Torrance, M, Thomas, A. K. (2021). Understanding older adults’ memory distortions in the light of stereotype threat. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 656. PDF
  • Maquestiaux, F., Arexis, M., Chauvel, G., Ladoy, J., Boyer, P.,  & Mazerolle, M. (2021). Ebbinghaus Visual Illusion: No Robust Influence on Novice Golf-Putting Performance. Psychological Research, 85, 1156-1166. PDF
  • Gauthier, K., Morand, A. Mazerolle, M., Rigalleau, F., Huguet, P., Eustache, F., Desgranges, B., Régner, I., (2020). Effet de menace du stéréotype : historique, mécanismes, et conséquences sur les performances cognitives des personnes âgées. Revue de neuropsychologie, 12 (4), 351-357. PDF
  • Morand, A., Gauthier, K., Mazerolle, M., Pèlerin, A., Rigalleau, F., Huguet, P., de La Sayette, V., Eustache, F., Desgranges, B., Régner, I., (2020). L’effet de menace du stéréotype en situation d’évaluation neuropsychologique : Enjeux cliniques. Revue de neuropsychologie, 12 (4), 358-366. PDF
  • Mazerolle, M., Régner, I., Rigalleau, F., Huguet, P. (2020). Highlighting and reducing the impact of negative aging stereotypes during older adults' cognitive testing. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 155, e59922. doi:10.3791/59922. PDF. Vidéo
  • Thomas, A. K., Smith, A., & Mazerolle, M. (2020). The unexpected relationship between retrieval demands and memory performance when older adults are faced with age-related stereotypes. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(2), 241-250. PDF
  • Gauthier, K., Morand, A., Dutheil, F., Alescio-Lautier, B., Boucraut, J., Clarys, D., Eustache, F., Girard, N., Guedj, E., Mazerolle, M., Paccalin, M., De la Sayette, V., Zaréa, A., Huguet, P., Michel, B. F. Desgranges, B., Régner, I., and AGING Consortium (2019). Aging stereotypes and prodromal Alzheimer's Disease (AGING): Study protocol for an ongoing randomized clinical study. BMJ Open, 9(10), e032265. PDF
  • Mazerolle, M., Régner, I., Barber, S. J., Paccalin, M., Miazola, A. C.,Huguet, P., & Rigalleau, F. (2017). Negative aging stereotypes impair performance on brief cognitive tests used to screen for predementia. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences72(6), 932-936. PDF
  • Régner, I., Mazerolle, M., Alescio-Lautier, B., Clarys, D., Michel, B., Paccalin, M., Piolino, P., Rigalleau, F., Sambuchi, N., & Huguet, P. (2016). Aging stereotypes must be taken into account for the diagnosis of prodromal and early Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 30(1), 77-79. PDF  
  • Mazerolle, M., Rigalleau, F., Régner, I., Clarys, D. & Huguet, P. (2015). Stereotype Threat Alters the Subjective Experience of Memory. Experimental Psychology, 62(6), 395-402PDF
  • Mazerolle, M., Régner, I., Morisset, P., Rigalleau, F. & Huguet, P. (2012). Stereotype threat strengthens automatic recall and undermines controlled processes in older adults. Psychological Science, 23, 723-727. PDF
  • Mazerolle, M. (2013). Une approche situationnelle des effets du vieillissement sur la mémoire : Mécanismes cognitifs de la menace du stéréotype et intervention psycho-sociale. Thèse de doctorat non publiée. PDF